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  • All times are GMT +1. The time now is 06:55 PM.vBulletin ©2000 - 2016, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. Ubuntu Logo, Ubuntu and Canonical © Canonical Ltd. Tango Icons © Tango Desktop Project.User contributions on this site are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 Inteational License. For details and our forum data attribution, retention and privacy policy, see here Let's block ads! بخوانید,canvas,canada,cane corso,candy crush,canon,cancun,cancer,canker sore,canfield fair,candy ...ادامه مطلب

  • Harsh but fair criticisms for Linux on the Desktop, 2016 edition

  • http://itvision.altervista.org/why.l...p.current.htmlI just came upon this post, and although it may seem harsh at times, you've gotta admit the guy is being objective and fair, and corrects anything he said wrong (users can comment and have corrected him on a few things, which he has crossed out). I just think it's a good thing to sometimes take a hard look at yourself (as in the Linux community) in the mirror and face the facts.Here is his own TL;DR version summary, although I strongly advise reading the whole thing: SummaryNo stability, bugs, regressions, regressions and regressions: There's an incredible amount of regressions(both in the keel and in user space applications) when things which used to work break inexplicably, some of regressions can even lead to data loss. Basically there is no quality control (QA/QC) and regression testing in mostOpen Source projects (including the keel) - Microsoft, for instance, reports that Windows 8 received 1,240,000,000 hours of testing whereas new keel releases get, I guess, under 10,000 hours of testing - and every Linux keel release is comparable to a new Windows version. Serious bugs which impede normal workflow can take years to be resolved. A lot of crucial hardware (e.g. GPUs, Wi-Fi cards) isn't properly supported. Both Linux 4.1.9/4.1.10, which are considered "stable" (moreover this keel series is also LTS(!)), crash under any network load. WTF?? Hardware issues: Under Linux many devices and devices features are still poorly supported or not supported at all. Some hardware (e.g. Broadcom Wi-Fi adapters) cannot be used unless you already have a working Inteet connection. New hardware often becomes supported months after introduction. Specialized software to manage devices like printers, scanners, cameras, webcams, audio players, smartphones, etc. almost always just doesn't exist- so you won't be able to fully control your new iPad and update firmware on your Galaxy SIII. Linux graphics support is a big bloody mes, ...ادامه مطلب

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